thanks for your input!!
You’re absolutely right ,PostgreSQL remains a go-to for many , especially for general use cases because of ACID compliance and strong community support.The intention of this article is not to suggest replacing traditional databases entirely, but to highlight alternatives when the use case requires it.
For instance,InfluxDB is optimized for time-series data, where PostgreSQL can face limitations in terms of scalability and performance under high throughput data ingestion.
When it comes to complex relationships between entities (such as social networks or recommendation systems), graph databases like Neo4j outperform PostgreSQL, which isn’t inherently designed for this type of data model.
some newer DB likes redis and milvus offer specialised performance improvents for certain data types and queries like in case of real -time analytics and unstructured data,that traditional DBs might struggle with
the point is not to “ditch” traditional DBs like PostgreSQL but to understand when a more specialized solution might offer more tangible advantages, depending on the specific demands of a project.